A postscript to my last story on how I met the Lesocks. When my parents and sisters moved to Roslyn Street, Burwood in the late 1960s, Frank Lesock and his family were living in Parer Street, just one street parallel to Roslyn, and were there for at least a few years into the 1970s, going by the electoral rolls. I touched on the fact that his children and my sisters were possibly attending St Benedict's Primary School at the same time. Well a couple of years after that article was written, after my parents had passed away, I was left with the family photo albums, including many of Wendy, Sue and Cathy's school photos. I was amazed to discover that not only was my sister Sue in the same class as Frank's daughter Cathy Lesock (in at least Grades 2 and 4), in the Grade 2 photo of 1962 they were actually seated next to each other! Second cousins who probably never even realised that they were related!
St Benedicts Primary School, Grade 2, 1962. Cathy Lesock is seated front row, bottom left, with Sue Phelan next to her (as shown in the enlargement below)
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